15 nov. 2009

La Chaussettologie

Ces trois dernieres semaines, avec Yann, on a pris un peu de temps pour faire une petite animation pour l'évenement Challenge your world, qui aura lieu a Montréal le 19 novembre. Voila le résultat, "La Chaussettologie".

Hi everybody, those three last weeks Yann and I took some times to do a short animation for a charity website and event : Challenge your world. It will take place in Montréal the 19th of November. You can have a look at "La Chaussettologie"

quick reserach from Yann


7 commentaires:

lola a dit…

te encontré mirando videos, hacés un trabajo espectacular, quedé encantada

PD seguramente ni sepas castellano, pero no podía evitar dejar plasmada mi admiración hacia tu trabajo.

ALEXIS a dit…

bravo chaussette ;)

Véronique Joffre a dit…

bravo à tous les deux, c'est vraiment très chouette!!!

messytimbo a dit…

your works is incredible!!! i love your taste. i think the wwf advert is one of the best things i've seen in a while. i keep watching it :)

how was the boil created? it looks unique for a boil, was it some kind of effect in AE? because it doesn't look like a traditional produced boil.

can't wait to see more of you work, you very talented!

Polyminthe a dit…


Anonyme a dit…

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonyme a dit…

c'est vraiment chouette...