First pitch did (with Yann of course) at Passion pictures. A pitch for the U.S.
We loose the first battle, but let see the next one :)
We had abotu 5 days to produce a storyboard, style frames and an animation test. Here they are :
anothers images on his blog.
Premier pitch (avec yann) avec Passion pictures pour les US.
La premiere manche est pour les americains... on verra la suite :)
5 jours de travail pour le story, style frame et test d'animation...
D'autres images sur le blog de Yann...

7 commentaires:
gorgeous work...
Very beutifull !!!! its great the art of this spot man!!
Thanks for your comment !!
Greetings from Argentina !
Looks so great!!
Cheers from Brazil!
Very Nice. I've recently seen artist (for studios) pitching for commercials/shows.
What is the process of doing so? It seems interesting and slightly competitive
Thx a lto everybody!!
>andre :
"pitch" is very current in the commercial. The client and agency think of a concept or an idea and they go to differents studios and ask them to do some design, animation test and storyboard.
We usually have got between 1 day and 4 days... It's very competitive :) sometimes unfair, but it's the game :)
merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire sur mon blog. J'aime vraiment les colour keys que vous avez posté du projet "Charlie Bean". Génial!
Les couleurs, le style, l'anime, les transitions, etc... c'est vraiment très très bon.
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